1. Well one thing i learned that really helped me was shutter speed. when i learned about shutter speed i went home and tried it, and put my shutter on like 1000 with a bunch of light around it. Then took a photo of a water droplet. This photo turned out amazing, and i took like 5 photos. After i put them on my instagram, and got a lot of good feedback from some people.
2. Well one this i learned is i cant just keep putting things back. In this class i really put a lot of projects off to the side, and when it came down to the last week i was terrified of what my grade would become i still am too. another thing is i know i won't ever become a photo teacher, big photographer, or be big in photography ( Famous wise ), but the things i learned in here can really help when i take other photos. Cause no matter where you are your almost always taking a photo. Now whenever i take a photo im always thinking of the things i learned in this class. Even with an iphone im thinking of whats the main object, rule of thirds, what could be the background. this has really showed a lot about me.
3. I really wish we could have gone in the dark room more. I thought it was really fun messing with the chemicals, and doing all the pin whole photos. Those were the fun photos i thought.
4. Just like what i said in question 2. I had a huge struggle at the end trying to get my photos in. This was all my fault, and i was just amazingly stupid for putting everything off. If i could i would go back, and do everything right away, but it doesn't work that way. Also i had a struggle figuring out how to use photoshop. I was so confused on some parts, and didn't want to have to ask you ever 30 seconds. Then have you do my whole project. So i would try to figure it out, and get really lost then just eventually quit.
5. I think i started to conquer taking the actual photos ( not messing with them in photoshop ). I thought i was really understanding the taking of photos much more then before i came to the class. Also i was kind of starting to get going with photoshop at the end, but not that well. Finally i think i conquered getting a lot of all those photos in at the last minute. Although i should have never been behind in the first place.
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